The idea of advertising during this pandemic may have you feeling a bit conflicted. You might be unsure of how to get your brand in front of people without seeming opportunistic. Things are different. The world has vastly changed. It feels, just a little, like wartime. A time when everyone had to pull together for a greater cause.
Though people are staying home, they’re finding a stronger sense of relating to one another.
It’s become about much more than your bottom line. It’s also about creating a universal connection.
According to the 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Brands and the Coronavirus, 83% of consumers asked said they want brands to “connect people and help them stay emotionally close.” Remember people are suffering. Show you understand and care.
Here’s a great example from back in the day:
Oneida Limited Community Silverplate touched the hearts of worried loved ones during WWII
This phenomenal ad series from Oneida Limited during the Second World War inspired millions during one of history’s darkest chapters.
They recognized their advertising needed to be about more than selling products. They understood the war was a time for empathy, caring, and coming together. They lit a torch with their campaign to help lead the way toward a brighter future.
You can do something similar. Let people know you’re one of them, you’re on their side, and you’re doing something to help during this difficult time.
Inspire them.
(Hear what his dog has to say about him)