Part of our job is to keep you informed, share our knowledge with you, let you know about the newest and most effective ways to strengthen your brand and help your business grow. So how do we keep up?
Everyone on our staff is constantly learning, from certifications in the Google Partners Program and conferences like MozCon to specialized courses on industry sites like Lynda.com. To improve our overall impact, we also subscribe to publications and platforms that cover the latest insights, tools, tactics, and trends in digital marketing.
And we meet as a group on a regular basis.
We call them “Small Talk Sessions”, a chance to share new information and brainstorm ideas for sharing with our clients and followers. Topics include current marketing tactics, from producing content to shooting video in today’s world to the most recent algorithms Google decides to roll out for SEO.
We will also be doubling down on the #SmallTalk concept, sharing what we learn with you in small, easy-to-read blogs. It’s our way of sharing our wisdom with you as part of the #SmallTalk movement.
(Hear what his dog has to say about him)