A Small Change Can Make a Big Difference
One of the most important things we can do as American citizens is vote.
However, nearly 50% of the United States’ population is the every-business-day American worker, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Keeping Election Day on a Tuesday is decidedly inconvenient for our society and millions of workers who struggle to find the time to make it to the polls.
So here at Romanelli, we got a little creative about it and thought, ‘Why not swap one of our other holidays for Election Day?’ It’s such a small change but it can make a big difference. We took a vote to see if the entire staff felt the same and it was unanimous. We will be closing the office on Election Day to go vote.
As a short-term goal this year, we encourage other business owners to do the same if they can.
As for a long-term goal, we would love to see the support for making Election Day a national holiday catch momentum.
Please support our 2020 campaign in helping to Let Workers Vote.
Visit letworkersvote.com to learn more.
(Hear what his dog has to say about him)