Everything You Need To Know
We’d like you to know what your state’s protocol and deadlines are so you can get your ballot in on time and have it count, should you choose to vote by mail.
This is especially important for those uncomfortable going to polling stations due to COVID-19 and for American workers who may be scheduled to work on Election Day without a chance to get to the polls.
PLAN YOUR VOTE: How to vote by mail and register to vote in each state is a great tool to help you understand “everything you need to know about mail-in voting.”
If you are a worker scheduled to work on Election Day, and you know you won’t be able to make it to the polls in person, please check the link today so you can get your vote in on time! Hopefully one day soon Election Day will be changed to a national holiday. In the meantime, you’ll hear us shout “Let workers vote!”
You can help support our 2020 campaign in helping to Let Workers Vote.
Visit letworkersvote.com to learn more.
(Hear what his dog has to say about him)